Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Foundation and CFDA rallied
the global design community together for “Fashion for Haiti: One Million
Maria Snyder and other top members from the Council of Fashion Designers of America have designed
one-of-a-kind hearts transformed into truly inspired works of art. The hearts will
be auctioned off on eBay.
Maria's art and slogan "OUR HEARTS UNITED HEAL THE WORLD" are intergral foundations to her brands, ECO BOYS AND GIRLS, ECOBRANDS and PEACEARTH.
The Urban Zen Foundatiion creates, connects and
collaborates to raise awareness and inspire change in the areas of well-being,
preserving cultures and empowering children in mind, body and spirit. Urban Zen
designs forums, partners with existing organizations and brings together
experts to define solutions and implement action.
CFDA, The Council of Fashion Designers of America is
an association consisting of more than 400 of America’s foremost
womenswear, menswear, jewelry and accessory designers.