Eco Boys and Girls youth correspondent, Simran Vedvyas, promotes environmental stewardship and poses the question to international youth attending the summit, “What is the one thing you would like to do in this world that would benefit the environment”.
The Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week will commence with the 3rd session of the International Renewable Energy Agency General Assembly, an intergovernmental organization dedicated to renewable energy. IRENA comprises 158 states and the European Union whose objective is to promote widespread use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind.
Simran Vidyvas is a recognized world youth leader and winner of
several prestigious awards, her achievements are
numerous and global: Academy Organizer United Arab Emirates at
Plant-for-the-Planet, Worldview Mission Youth Ambassador to UN, Chapter Leader
United Arab Emirates and India at Children of Earth and Youth Ambassador at Eye
on Earth.